Articles by Aleks Kajstura

Prison Policy Initiative Legal Director Aleks Kajstura (full bio)
- Census Bureau’s Report: States say Bureau not doing enough to end to prison gerrymandering
In planning for the 2030 Census redistricting data, the Bureau acknowledges calls from states to end prison gerrymandering at the source — the Census — but does not signal change.
Jan 30, 2025
- Advocates urge Census Bureau to start testing reforms for 2030
Census Bureau should conduct small-scale tests of methods for collecting home addresses of incarcerated people to determine how best to implement a revision of the Residence Criteria and Residence Situations for people who are in correctional facilities on Census Day.
Nov 12, 2024
- If the Census Bureau truly values accuracy, it should count incarcerated people at home
The Census Bureau’s current method of counting people in prison and jail is prone to errors with sizable consequences. Counting incarcerated people at home can produce more accurate data.
Oct 30, 2024
- Resource Spotlight: Which local governments engage in or avoid prison gerrymandering?
We’ve identified over 200 cities and counties that have taken action to avoid prison gerrymandering and some local governments that still continue to base representation on flawed Census Bureau data.
Sep 24, 2024
- Advocates to Census Bureau: Stop making it harder for states to end prison gerrymandering
Census Bureau should stop its one-size-fits-all approach to privacy protections and refrain from adding “noise” when it reports the number of incarcerated people; states need accurate counts to end prison gerrymandering
Aug 26, 2024
- A record number of city councils and county commissions tackled prison gerrymandering after the 2020 Census
While the Census Bureau dawdles, local governments continue to address prison gerrymandering in their own backyard, despite limitations.
Jul 30, 2024
- 2030 Census Advisory Committee flags prison gerrymandering issues for the Census Bureau
2030 Census Advisory Committee's inaugural meeting ended in recommendations that future agenda include discussions of the Census Bureau's approach to counting incarcerated people in the 2030 Census.
Jul 29, 2024
- National civil rights coalition gives Census Bureau 5 reasons to end prison gerrymandering
National coalition of more than 240 organization urges the Bureau to count incarcerate people at home.
Jun 28, 2024
- States were incredibly successful at reallocating incarcerated people to their home addresses in 2020: A review of the data
We explore state redistricting reports to show that, despite facing immense challenges, states were remarkably successful ending prison gerrymandering after the 2020 Census.
Jun 10, 2024
- Most incarcerated people will return home; the Census Bureau should count them there
Using an incarcerated person’s last known home address when redistricting gives the most accurate picture of where they reside.
May 14, 2024
- What the ten worst prison gerrymanders of the 2020 redistricting cycle tell us about how the problem is changing
New analysis shows that the Census’ flawed way of counting incarcerated people is increasingly harming rural areas — and both political parties.
Feb 26, 2024
- Montana legislators call for Census Bureau action on “clear, bipartisan consensus” for ending prison gerrymandering
New national op-ed shows the growing bipartisan calls for the Census Bureau to finally fix how it counts incarcerated people.
Aug 30, 2023
- In their own words: Incarcerated people, their families, governments, and advocates tell the Census Bureau to end prison gerrymandering
In the first public comment period about the 2030 Census count, dozens of people called on the Bureau to end prison gerrymandering. We pulled together their comments, which show why this change is necessary, and the consequences of inaction.
Aug 17, 2023
- Prison gerrymandering is about representation, not money
A new Census Bureau report could raise a common misconception about prison gerrymandering and money. We explain how ending the practice will have a big impact on political representation, but not funding.
Jun 15, 2023
- States to the Census Bureau: You created prison gerrymandering, you need to end it.
National Conference of State Legislatures report outlines experiences and recommendations from states that implemented reforms in the 2020 redistricting cycle.
May 2, 2023
- What are states saying about their experience addressing prison gerrymandering?
Redistricting reports and letters provide insights into the challenges states faced, and show why Census Bureau action is necessary.
Feb 24, 2023
- Advocates to Census Bureau: End prison gerrymandering in 2030
Roughly half the country now lives in a place that has taken action to address prison gerrymandering
Nov 21, 2022
- Our first chance to end prison gerrymandering in the 2030 Census
The 2030 Census should count incarcerated people at home; tell them to start that change now.
Aug 31, 2022
- Connecticut legislature passes law ending prison gerrymandering; bill heads to Gov. Ned Lamont’s desk
On Wednesday, the Connecticut General Assembly passed SB 753, a bill that will strengthen state democracy by requiring that incarcerated people be counted as residents of....
May 14, 2021
- Illinois legislature passes bill ending prison gerrymandering
Illinois is poised to become the 10th state to end prison gerrymandering.
Jan 13, 2021
- Building momentum against prison gerrymandering
Diverse support for ending prison gerrymandering builds momentum for action nationwide.
Dec 18, 2020
- When the Census says most of your town is in prison
Prisons account for over half of the population in nearly 40 municipalities, painting a distorted picture of communities.
Nov 10, 2020
- Do prisons draw in Census money for their host communities? No.
One of the most common arguments against prison gerrymandering reform is the fear, among people in prison towns, that their communities will lose out on funding. It's a fear based on a misunderstanding of how federal and state funds are allocated.
Jul 13, 2020
- New guide to ending prison gerrymandering for state legislators
A new resource from the Prison Policy Initiative and State Innovation Exchange.
Mar 5, 2020
- New Jersey Governor signs bill ending prison gerrymandering
Over 25% of U.S. residents now live in a state, county, or municipality that has ended prison gerrymandering.
Jan 21, 2020
- Interview with Heather Villanueva of More Equitable Democracy about their successful campaign to end prison gerrymandering in Washington state
How a focus on accurate data and on Native communities helped end prison gerrymandering in Washington State.
Dec 2, 2019
- Washington Governor Jay Inslee signs law ending prison gerrymandering
Washington State moved swiftly, ending prison gerrymandering in a single legislative session.
May 21, 2019
- Washington State passes bill ending prison gerrymandering
Pending Governor Jay Inslee's signature, Washington State will become the fifth state to count incarcerated people at their home addresses during redistricting.
Apr 23, 2019
- Bill to end prison gerrymandering passes second chamber in Washington State
The Washington State legislature is close to passing a bill enabling its redistricting commission to end prison gerrymandering.
Apr 16, 2019
- Bill to end prison gerrymandering clears New Jersey Senate
If it passes, the bill would make New Jersey the fifth state to end prison gerrymandering.
Feb 26, 2019
- As Connecticut prison gerrymandering lawsuit moves forward, six states consider legislation
Bills to end prison gerrymandering are pending in six states' new legislative sessions. Conn. prison gerrymandering challenge passes first hurdle in court.
Feb 21, 2019
- State Attorneys General can end prison gerrymandering, most recent Census Director explains
AGs should take an active role in ensuring an accurate 2020 Census. Part of that is tackling prison gerrymandering.
Oct 11, 2018
- No, prison gerrymandering doesn’t reallocate $1,838 per person
Prison gerrymandering does not impact federal aid, "there is not a straight linear relationship between state population count and federal funds flow".
Aug 22, 2017
- Governor Christie refuses to end prison gerrymandering in New Jersey
Gov. Christie vetoes bill that would have ended prison gerrymandering in New Jersey; denies equal representation to state residents.
Jul 14, 2017
- Law Reviews reexamine prison gerrymandering case law
Recent Law Review pieces from Harvard and Stanford, conclude that prison gerrymandering is unconstitutional, question First Circuit's logic to the contrary
Jun 22, 2017
- New Jersey bill to end prison gerrymandering heads to Governor’s desk
Bill to end prison gerrymandering in New Jersey has passed the Senate and Assembly, is now headed to Governor's desk.
May 25, 2017
- New Jersey is on the verge of ending prison gerrymandering
NJ bill to end prison gerrymandering passed Assembly Judiciary Committee (already passed the Senate in November).
Feb 14, 2017
- Stark illustrations of prison gerrymandering in Oklahoma
The City of McAlester illustrates how prison gerrymandering skews representation in Oklahoma.
Nov 8, 2016
- Rhode Island candidates race to represent phantom constituents
Race for Rhode Island state House district shows how incarcerated people only count as constituents at redistricting time.
Nov 7, 2016
- 13 United States Senators ask Census Bureau to count incarcerated people at home
Thirteen Senators call on the Census Bureau to count incarcerated people at home starting in the 2020 Census.
Sep 30, 2016
- Statement in Response to Federal Appeals Court Decision In Cranston "Prison Gerrymandering" Case
Court allows prison gerrymandering in Cranston, RI. City still has no logical reason for counting all people incarcerated by the state as residents of a single ward.
Sep 21, 2016
- Census Bureau extends deadline for residence rule comments
Census Bureau extends time to submit comments on the residence rule for incarcerated people, new deadline is September 1.
Jul 25, 2016
- Submitting comments to the Census Bureau regarding their proposed residence rules
Talking points and submission instructions for comments to respond to the Census Bureau's proposal to count incarcerated people in the wrong place in 2020.
Jul 1, 2016
- Tennessee no longer forcing prison gerrymandering on county governments
Tennessee ends mandatory prison gerrymandering in county governments; should next take up bills on state legislative districts.
May 2, 2016
- Recent cases support ending prison gerrymandering, is Cranston next?
Memorandum of law filed in Davidson v Cranston, summarizing Evenwel and Calvin's condemnation of prison gerrymandering.
Apr 14, 2016
- Federal Judge holds prison gerrymandering unconstitutional
Federal Judge strikes down Florida county's prison gerrymander as unconstitutional.
Mar 21, 2016
- Prison Gerrymandering fight gears up in New England
Bills to end prison gerrymandering have been introduced in Rhode Island (H 7400, introduced by Representatives Williams, Regunberg, Ajello, Costa, and Lombardi, and S....
Feb 26, 2016
- Rome NY ends prison gerrymandering, Census Bureau can do better
Rome, NY redistricts - brings NY's journey to end prison gerrymandering full circle
Feb 24, 2016
- The NY Times column on Evenwel and prison gerrymandering hinges on superficial contradictions
New York Times ignores important differences between efforts of Evenwel plaintiffs and those seeking to end prison gerrymandering
Oct 15, 2015
- Evenwel v. Abbott trips over prison gerrymandering, amicus brief sorts out the issues
Prison Policy Initiative joins Dēmos in amicus brief to SCOTUS, tackling prison gerrymandering issues in Evenwel v. Abbott
Sep 30, 2015
- Florida legislature struggles to untangle Census’ skewed race data
Prison population affecting Florida's redistricting fight in yesterday's Miami Herald explains how the current way the Census Bureau counts incarcerated people is making....
Aug 19, 2015
- Bill ending prison gerrymandering clears Minn. Senate
Minnesota's election omnibus reform bill, SF 455, passed the senate yesterday. The bill includes ending prison gerrymandering among other reforms. For more information on....
May 12, 2015
- Why end prison gerrymandering? Rhode Island Judiciary Committee hears testimony
Steve Brown of the Rhode Island ACLU and John Marion of Common Cause Rhode Island explain why prison gerrymandering is illogical.
Apr 7, 2015
- Oregon moving against prison gerrymandering
Oregon's Senate Committee on Rules considers bill to end prison gerrymandering
Mar 24, 2015
- Prison gerrymandering finally solved in McAlester, Okla.
McAlester,Okla. finally ends prison gerrymandering (again). It's time for a national solution.
Mar 17, 2015
- Rhode Island Senate votes to end prison gerrymandering
Rhode Island Senate passes bill to end prison gerrymandering. House to take the issue up by end of March.
Mar 5, 2015
- Ending prison gerrymandering leads to new criminal justice data
Redistricting data used to map where incarcerated people come from, providing precise tool for policymakers.
Feb 26, 2015
- Congress and White House urged to support accurate Census, end prison gerrymandering
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights urges supporting Census Bureau's efforts to end prison gerrymandering
Jan 13, 2015
- Connecticut organizations call on legislature to end prison gerrymandering
Connecticut-based organizations call on the legislature to finally end prison gerrymandering this upcoming session
Jan 7, 2015
- Census Report: States request help with prison gerrymandering
New Census Bureau report conveys states' desires to avoid prison gerrymandering
Dec 22, 2014
- New report supports ending prison gerrymandering, improving Census accuracy
Recent report focusing on the Census' methods of collecting and tabulating race and ethnicity data addresses prison gerrymandering.
Nov 19, 2014
- Massachusetts delivers resolution to Census Bureau
Census Bureau receives Massachusetts’ resolution urging the Census to tabulate incarcerated people at their home address.
Sep 12, 2014
- Massachusetts urges Census Bureau to end prison gerrymandering
Massachusetts legislature urges the Census Bureau to end prison gerrymandering by tabulating incarcerated people at their home address.
Aug 22, 2014
- Unites States Senators ask Census Bureau to end prison gerrymandering
Census Bureau asked to solve prison gerrymandering nationally, save states from each having to adjust Census data on their own.
Aug 22, 2014
- Census Bureau ethnography report reviews enumeration of incarcerated populations
Census Bureau's ethnographic study recommends further research in counting incarcerated populations: suggests improvements to use of administrative data and a look at collection of home addresses.
Aug 22, 2014
- Youngstown to avoid prison gerrymandering, mostly
City of Youngstown, Ohio, is poised to finally redistrict their 30-year old wards and avoid prison gerrymandering while they're at it.
Jul 29, 2014
- Redistricting Principles renounce prison gerrymandering
PPI joins 15 other civil rights and democracy organizations in endorsing 10 redistricting principles.
Jul 10, 2014
- Census’ prison population tabulation adds hurdles to redistricting in Alabama
Article explores prison gerrymandering in Alabama, highlighting problems in creating equal representation in city council wards and state legislative districts.
Jul 1, 2014
- Fred Ordoñez: End prison gerrymandering in R.I.
Op-ed in Providence Journal supports ending prison gerrymandering, published the same day bill dies in House Judiciary Committee
Jun 25, 2014
- Voting equality still up for debate in Rome, NY
Rome, NY still has not redistricted after the 2010 Census, city fails to implement NY's law to end prison gerrymandering.
Jun 23, 2014
- Census Bureau prison miscount skews election data
Analysis of voter registration and turnout is muddled by Census Bureau counting incarcerated people in the wrong place.
Jun 18, 2014
- Accidental prison gerrymandering almost solved in McAlester, Okla.
McAlester, Okla. inadvertently forced itself to engage in prison gerrymandering after the 2010 Census, is now seeking charter amendment to solve the problem.
Jun 18, 2014
- League of Women Voters tackles prison gerrymandering at Convention
League of Women Voters 2014 Convention included a panel on prison gerrymandering, PPI released new briefing packet.
Jun 10, 2014
- Bill to end prison gerrymandering passes Rhode Island Senate
Rhode Island Senate passes bill to end prison gerrymandering by counting incarcerated people at home for redistricting purposes.
May 14, 2014
- New filings in Cranston prison gerrymandering lawsuit
On Monday Cranston voters and the ACLU of Rhode Island asked the court to let the case continue against the City's prison gerrymandering scheme.
Apr 3, 2014
- Edward Fitzpatrick: R.I’s new House speaker has a captive constituency
Rhode Island's new House speaker's district is based on prison gerrymandering, flaunts "one person, one vote"
Apr 1, 2014
- Boston Globe explores prison gerrymandering in Mass.
Boston Globe covers prison gerrymandering in Mass. towns, highlights pending resolution urging Census Bureau to act.
Mar 20, 2014
- League of Women Voters of Virginia asks Census Bureau to end prison gerrymandering
Virginia League of Women Voters calls on the Census Bureau to count incarcerated people at home, end prison gerrymandering.
Mar 4, 2014
- Bills to end prison gerrymandering get hearing in two states
Bills to end prison gerrymandering get committee hearings in Rhode Island and New Jersey. NJ bill passed out of committee, RI voting soon.
Feb 14, 2014
- WHMP covers prison gerrymandering in Massachusetts
Aleks Kajstura joined Bill Newman on WHMP to talk about how prison gerrymandering skews democracy in Massachusetts
Dec 20, 2013
- Call for Texas to follow counties’ pragmatic approach: end prison gerrymandering
Grits for Breakfast argues that Texas should follow its local governments' pragmatic approach to redistricting and avoid prison gerrymandering.
Dec 10, 2013
- Texas counties favor fairness and common sense over prison gerrymandering
Austin American Statesman article by Jonathan Tilove highlights rural Texas counties taking a stand against prison gerrymandering.
Dec 9, 2013
- More Massachusetts voices call for Census Bureau to solve prison gerrymandering problem
Local coverage of prison gerrymandering in Massachusetts highlights need for Census Bureau to count incarcerated people at home in the next census.
Nov 15, 2013
- “Prison Gerrymandering in Massachusetts” report reveals phantom constituents at town meeting
New report reveals prison gerrymandering at town meeting in 7 Massachusetts towns.
Oct 30, 2013
- Mass. legislature one step closer to urging Census Bureau to end prison gerrymandering
Massachusetts Resolution S 309/H 3185 passed joint House and Senate Election Laws committee, moves on to the committee on Rules.
Oct 22, 2013
- Another decade of prison gerrymandering in Ohio
New fact sheet highlights prison gerrymandering in Ohio after the 2010 Census.
Oct 3, 2013
- ACLU opposes prison gerrymandering in Florida’s school boards
ACLU urges Hamilton County School District, Florida to avoid prison gerrymandering.
Sep 16, 2013
- When will Rome NY finally fix voting inequality?
Rome (NY) stalls on redistricting, prolonging prison gerrymandering.
Jul 8, 2013
- Kentucky: “flying in the face” of one person one vote with prison gerrymandering – KY Senator
Kentucky Senator Thayer (R) had some harsh words about prison gerrymandering in the state.
Jun 5, 2013
- An easy way to avoid prison gerrymandering
A handful of communities avoid prison gerrymandering and redistricting.
May 16, 2013
- Census Bureau’s Advance Group Quarters Summary File: Two years later
Now that most state and local redistricting efforts have come to a close, it's clear that this data has been central to our recent advocacy efforts.
May 16, 2013
- Vigo County settles lawsuit, avoids prison gerrymandering
Vigo County will vote to approve a redistricting plan that excludes the incarcerated population at the Terre Haute Federal Correctional Complex.
Apr 10, 2013
- Public hearing on bill to end prison gerrymandering in Oregon
Oregon House Committee on Rules held public hearing on redistricting bills, City Club of Portland supports bills to end prison gerrymandering .
Mar 7, 2013
- Vigo County Indiana redistricting case implicates prison gerrymandering
Vigo County Indiana faces drawing a district where 13% of the population is actually people incarcerated at the Terre Haute Federal Correctional Complex.
Mar 6, 2013
- Rhode Island organizations testify in support of bill ending prison gerrymandering
Rhode Island Senate Committee on Judiciary heard testimony from the Rhode Island ACLU on S 147, a bill to end prison gerrymandering in the state.
Mar 5, 2013
- New Virginia bill to finally free all local governments from prison gerrymandering
New Virginia bill (HB 1339) to end state's requirement that some counties engage in prison gerrymandering passed House, is making its way through Senate.
Jan 30, 2013
- Kentucky considers ending prison gerrymandering
Peter Wagner, our executive director, is in Kentucky today testifying about BR 219, a bill to end prison gerrymandering, before the Kentucky General Assembly Task Force....
Nov 27, 2012
- Calif. Governor signs bill to improve law ending prison-based gerrymandering
The governor of California just signed a bill (AB 1986) into law that improves California’s historic law ending prison based gerrymandering. The LA Times has some....
Sep 14, 2012
- For California Counties, Preventing Prison-Based Gerrymandering is the Norm
Once again, ten California counties with large prison populations avoided prison-based gerrymandering when redrawing their board of supervisors' districts.
Sep 13, 2012
- Calif. bill to improve law ending prison-based gerrymandering awaits governor’s signature
California's historic law ending prison-based gerrymandering is about to get even better. The California Senate just passed a bill (AB 1986), that improves....
Aug 23, 2012
- New Jersey bill to end prison-based gerrymandering passes first step
New Jersey bill to end prison-based gerrymandering (SB 1055) passed the Senate's Committee on State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation.
May 15, 2012
- Calif. Assembly passes bill to improve law ending prison-based gerrymandering
Calif. Assembly passes bill improving law ending prison-based gerrymandering: includes federal prison populations and increases data precision.
May 9, 2012
- Interactive redistricting software adjusts Census data for New York
Interactive redistricting tools use our analysis of Census data to adjust redistricting population in New York.
Jan 4, 2012
- Virginia counties may be given more choices in avoiding prison-based gerrymandering
News and Advance reports more counties in Virginia will be given option to avoid prison-based gerrymandering if Delegate Ingram's bill passes.
Dec 30, 2011
- Local governments still struggling with Census’ prison counts
In redistricting, local governments struggle with Census treating prison populations as residents of the prison location.
Dec 30, 2011
- Prison-based gerrymandering in Tennessee Counties
This memo discusses several ways that Tennessee counties could harmonize the federal “one person one vote” principle with the unique requirements of the State Constitution.
Sep 26, 2011
- Michigan spares most counties and municipalities from prison-based gerrymandering
Michigan law will prevent most prison populations from unintentionally skewing representation in local government, but problems still remain.
Sep 26, 2011
- Mansfield, Ohio succumbs to prison-based gerrymandering
Unfounded fears about funding lead to prison-based gerrymandering in Mansfield, Ohio.
Sep 22, 2011
- Detailed demographics of correctional populations now available for nation
Database prepared by PPI for redistricting professionals provides detailed demographics for the correctional population, including race, age and gender.
Sep 13, 2011
- California bill to end prison-based gerrymandering awaits the Governor’s signature
Prison Policy Initiative urges Governor Brown to sign California's bill to end prison-based gerrymandering.
Sep 8, 2011
- California can still curtail prison-based gerrymandering
Prison Policy Initiative and Demos submit testimony and solutions to California's Citizens Redistricting Commission's prison-based gerrymandering problems.
Jul 18, 2011
- Times Union: LATFOR is named as defendant, but not actually defending the law
Not surprising that LATFOR fails to defend the law in court, since it's actually ignoring the law when drawing new districts for New York State.
Jul 13, 2011
- Media’s back to basics guide: redistricting and prison-based gerrymandering
Back to basics coverage of the redistricting process and the issue of prison-based gerrymandering, as the nation starts to redistrict.
Jun 13, 2011
- Massachusetts considers creative solutions to prison-based gerrymandering
Bay State Banner reports on creativity needed to end prison-based gerrymandering in Massachusetts now.
Jun 9, 2011
- California Assembly passes bill to end prison-based gerrymandering
Bill to end prison-based gerrymandering in California passes the Assembly, moves on to consideration by the Senate.
Jun 1, 2011
- Indiana local officials don’t want districts skewed by prisons
Interviews with local officials in Indiana reveal bi-partisan and wide-spread support for ending prison-based gerrymandering.
May 31, 2011
- Connecticut considers prison-based gerrymandering as the re-districting process begins
Common Cause briefing on prison-based gerrymandering in Connecticut draws interest from legislators.
May 18, 2011
- Massachusetts’ Joint Redistricting Committee learning about prison-based gerrymandering
Demos testifies in support of avoiding prison-based gerrymandering in Massachusetts as legislative districts are redrawn.
May 18, 2011
- U.S. Department of Justice approves the end of prison-based gerrymandering in New York
The Times Union ran commentary critical of a lawsuit seeking to bring prison-based gerrymandering back to New York while the DOJ approved the new law.
May 17, 2011
- Maryland releases adjusted redistricting data
Maryland releases redistricting data, adjusted to avoid prison-based gerrymandering in the state.
May 4, 2011
- California legislation to end prison-based gerrymandering
California bill to end prison-based gerrymandering introduced by Assembly Member Davis; Dale Ho of the LDF testified in support.
May 3, 2011
- Organizations stand against prison-based gerrymandering
Formal resolutions and recommendations from organizations and legislative bodies regarding prison-based gerrymandering are now compiled on our site.
Apr 29, 2011
- Hale County, TX will avoid prison-based gerrymandering
Hale County Judge Bill Coleman will avoid prison-based gerrymandering in redrawing the district lines for the County.
Apr 28, 2011
- New York Times: Real Prisoners, Phantom Residents
New York Times editorial calls for court to uphold law banning prison-based gerrymandering.
Apr 25, 2011
- State Senators hurt own districts in filing law suit
Senators' law suit hurts their own constituents, as well as New York residents around the state.
Apr 11, 2011
- Opposition to returning prison-based gerrymandering to New York
Opposition is heard as some state legislators file suit to force prison-based gerrymandering on all New York State residents.
Apr 7, 2011
- Racine County, WI, seeks to avoid prison-based gerrymandering
Racine County Supervisors are looking into ways to avoid prison-based gerrymandering for the coming decade.
Apr 7, 2011
- Court Should Reject Lawsuit Seeking to Manipulate Prison Populations in New York Redistricting
Press Release: Court Should Reject Lawsuit - Voting Rights Groups Support Improved Rules for Counting Incarcerated Persons
Apr 6, 2011
- McAlester, OK, faces drawing city wards distorted by prison population
McAlester's new City Charter may inadvertently force the City to engage in prison-based gerrymandering.
Apr 6, 2011
- Miss. counties have simple solution to complex gerrymandering
Mississippi counties face complex gerrymandering problems unless they exclude prison populations when redistricting.
Apr 4, 2011
- LaSalle, Louisiana avoids prison-based gerrymandering
LaSalle Parish, Louisiana, adjusted Census population to avoid prison-based gerrymandering when redistricting last week.
Mar 30, 2011
- Videos of Connecticut testimony
Video of testimony presented before the Connecticut Judiciary Committee on HB 6606.
Mar 30, 2011
- Illinois bill to end prison based gerrymandering will leave funding unchanged
Ill. bill to end prison-based gerrymandering (HB94) will ensure equal representation while leaving aid to communities with prison populations untouched.
Mar 30, 2011
- Media guides to redistricting
Two media guides to redistricting: the Brennan Center gives a general overview and ours focuses on counties and local governments with prison populations.
Mar 29, 2011
- Ohio feels effects of prison-based gerrymandering
Cleveland Free Press article on prison-based gerrymandering takes national perspective on issue facing Ohio.
Mar 29, 2011
- Prison-based gerrymandering threatens more Wisconsin governments
Cities in Wisconsin face drawing districts with no actual residents, just prison population. More Wis. fact sheets available.
Mar 29, 2011
- Conn. held hearing on bill to end prison-based gerrymandering
Conn. Legislature's Judicial Committee hears testimony on bill to end prison-based gerrymandering.
Mar 25, 2011
- Wisconsin fact sheets updated for coming redistricting
New fact sheets about prison-based gerrymandering in Wisconsin's upcoming redistricting efforts.
Mar 16, 2011
- In case you were wondering about prisons and apportionment
Apportionment was not affected by the prison count. The prison count is largely a problem for districting within a state, not between states.
Dec 21, 2010
- New York Senate explains prison-based gerrymandering
The New York State Senate explains the state's prison-based gerrymandering problems, and highlights changes for the upcoming redistricting cycle.
Dec 14, 2010
- Prison-based Gerrymandering coming to Nebraska?
A new prison in Johnson County may bring prison-based gerrymandering to Nebraska.
Dec 8, 2010
- Brennan Center releases 2010 Redistricting Guide
The Brennan Center published an updated "Citizen's Guide to Redistricting" highlighting prison-based gerrymandering among redistricting challenges.
Dec 1, 2010
- Connecticut renewing legislative efforts to end prison-based gerrymandering
"New Haven legislator eyes inmate residency" highlights efforts to end prison-based gerrymandering in Connecticut.
Nov 29, 2010
- Redrawing the Lines
LDF launches "Redrawing the Lines" program website. Explanations of prison-based gerrymandering are included in the public education materials.
Nov 19, 2010
- Voting rights issues map includes prison-based gerrymandering
LDF highlights prison-based gerrymandering as key voting rights issue in new interactive map.
Nov 8, 2010
- Gerrymandering: the movie
Gerrymandering, the movie, is coming out in theaters. A whole segment is devoted to PPI’s findings about prison-based gerrymandering.
Oct 14, 2010
- Civil rights groups cite harm of prison-based gerrymandering
Three civil rights groups publish a guide to redistricting, focusing on issues facing minority communities.
Sep 29, 2010
- Equal representation coming to Hudson, NY
The end of prison-based gerrymandering in New York will finally mean equal representation for the residents Hudson, NY.
Aug 13, 2010
- Benefits to New York State’s upstate (and downstate) residents
Two recent letters to the editor break down the false dichotomy of downstate versus upstate.
Aug 12, 2010
- New York: beyond prison-based gerrymandering
Ending prison-based gerrymandering means a return to the concept that representatives should represent those actually part of their communities: New York Ends Prison....
Aug 9, 2010
- Senator Griffo ignores prison-based gerrymandering problems at home
Brenda Wright, of Demos writes that Sen. Griffo ignores prison-based gerrymandering problems in his own backyard while criticizing state-wide reform.
Aug 9, 2010
- NYCLU and Common Cause/NY applaud New York ending prison-based gerrymandering
The NYCLU and Common Clause/NY both applaud passage of the bill that will finally end of prison-based gerrymandering in New York.
Aug 6, 2010
- Articles on New York ending prison-based gerrymandering
The New York bill that ends prison-based gerrymandering in the state has been getting a lot of press coverage. Here are our top picks: Wall Street Journal: Under New....
Aug 6, 2010
- More press releases for New York victory
The New York State Senate Majority, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and New York University's Brennan Center for Justice all posted their press releases celebrating the passage....
Aug 4, 2010
- Coalition Praises Lawmakers for Ending Prison Gerrymandering
New York's Coalition to End Prison-Based Gerrymandering praises lawmakers for ending prison-based gerrymandering in New York.
Aug 4, 2010
- Context: New York prison-based gerrymandering bill
Eric Lotke article gives context about the history of prison-based gerrymandering and explanation for what bill passage will mean for the state.
Aug 4, 2010
- Lasting effects of prison-based gerrymandering in Maryland
WYPR reports on how the people incarcerated at the Eastern Correctional Institute in Maryland's Somerset County are used to skew the democratic process.
Jul 22, 2010
- Back and forth in the Buffalo News
The Buffalo News recently published a brief mention of prison-based gerrymandering, and in response I wrote a letter to the editor explaining that the current efforts to....
Jul 19, 2010
- New York bill benefits upstate residents as well
The Buffalo News publishes letter to the editor that corrects misunderstanding about funding and benefits of the bill to upstate residents.
Jul 6, 2010
- Newsweek covers prison-based gerrymandering
Newsweek uses our research to highlight prison-based gerrymandering in New York.
Jul 1, 2010
- Prison-based gerrymandering report highlighted by ACS blog
LDF issues new report on prison-based gerrymandering.
Jun 10, 2010
- Op-ed about prison-based gerrymandering in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania-focused op-ed argues that voting power should be based on actual residents, not prison populations.
Jun 10, 2010
- Detention centers don’t bring funding to towns
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution published my letter to the editor correcting a recent AP story that claimed towns stood to gain funding by having detention centers....
Jun 4, 2010
- Maryland: common misunderstandings
Letters to the editor confront common misunderstandings and explain that Maryland's bill has no impact on federal funding while improving democracy for all.
Apr 21, 2010
- Census Bureau’s prison count won’t mean funding windfall
Census count of prison populations distorts redistricting, but has little impact on the distribution of federal funding. Democracy suffers while some falsely claim funding impact.
Apr 2, 2010
- Person’s home does not change with incarceration
1st Circuit US Court of Appeals confirms that incarceration does not change a person’s residence, more substantive contacts with a new location are necessary to change domicile.
Mar 26, 2010
- Census Bureau counts Minnesota’s incarcerated population in the wrong place; access to democracy distorted
New report identifies harm of prison-based gerrymandering in Minnesota.
Mar 9, 2010
- Census empowers, does not dictate data use
Recent media coverage reveals a misconception about basic principles of our electoral system. The Census Bureau does not have a “new policy” regarding populations used in redistricting.
Mar 8, 2010
- If tax-paying part-time residents shouldn’t be counted outside their home districts, neither should incarcerated people
Editorial: if part-time residents can’t be counted at their second homes, consistency requires incarcerated people to be counted at home, not at the prison.
Feb 19, 2010
- Mary Sanchez highlights prison-based gerrymandering in Kansas
In “Counting prisoners is an issue for us all,” Mary Sanchez, of the Kansas City Star, writes that elected officials wind up with constituents to whom they don’t....
Feb 18, 2010
- What the census will get wrong
The U.S. Census is once again gearing up to count incarcerated people in the wrong place. This census data is soon going to be used to redraw districts at all levels of....
Nov 6, 2009
- Pennsylvania’s growing prison population distorts democracy
In Pennsylvania, there are eight state house districts that owe their existence to large prison populations in the 2000 Census. With the 2010 Census poised to count an....
Oct 16, 2009