Prison Populations and the Census — FAQ

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Impact on funding

Last update: July 03, 2024

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Q: I don't know anything, where do I start?
A: Start with our guide to the resources on this website, because it's a quick reference sheet to help you find the right starting point for you.
Q: How many states have ended prison gerrymandering?
A: There are 14 states that have passed legislation prohibiting prison gerrymandering in state legislative districts. Maryland and New York's laws changed the 2011 redistricting, and California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Nevada, New Jersey, Virginia, and Washington State's laws came into effect for the 2020 redistricting cycle. Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, and Montana will roll out their implementation in time for 2030. Additionally, in Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Montana, the Legislative Redistricting Commissions counted people at home of their own initiative to avoid prison gerrymandering for the 2020 redistricting cycle.

Additionally, 2 other states (Michigan and Tennessee) have laws that apply to local government redistricting, but not state districts.

This quick reference chart sorts it all out.



Impact on funding


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