Dear Ms. Humes, I write in response to your May 20 federal register notice regarding the Residence Rule and Residence Situations. Thank for giving the public a chance to contribute on this matter because it is one that I feel strongly about. I believe in a population count that accurately represents my community, I urge you therefore to count incarcerated people at their home address, rather than at the facility that they happen to be located at on Census day. For example a lot of people from New York City end up incarcerated in Dannemora, N.Y.S. From your Census count of 2010, as you now count it, we know Dannemora has 3, 936 residents. But that at least 2,800 of those ´residents´ are incarcerated men in the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora. I lived, voted, and paid my taxes in New York City when a member of my community was incarcerated in Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora for several years. Neither he, nor any of his peers who came from N.Y.C. ever felt they were democratically represented by political representatives from that region. Quite simply, the political concerns of people living in N.Y.C. are very different from those of rural upstate Dannemora. I give a tiny example from our personal experience to show how unjust the situation is as it stands. I do this because I know our situation is not unique. One weekend when visiting said community member, I was walking back from the facility to my overnight accommodation across from the outside wall of the prison. I put some candy wrapper I had in a garbage can and walked on. I heard someone shouting, but thought nothing of it. The shouting continued and continued. I finally looked about and realized the shouting was indeed directed at me. It was a prison guard on duty high up on the tower in the prison. He told me to take my garbage out of the garbage bin because it was a private garbage bin, not for public use. I excused myself and did so, and then I asked him where I might find a public garbage bin. He thought for a moment, and then he said there were no pubic garbage bins in Dannemora. I asked what should I do with my garbage as I had come from NY for the weekend… He replied `Take it back to New York City with you`. Ms.Humes, every weekend at least 100 people from N.Y.C. visit loved ones in Dannamora. The economy of Dannemora and surrounds receives millions yearly as a result of our loved ones being incarcerated there. Right now the Census Bureau recognizes Clinton Correctional Facility as the ´residence´ to 1000´s of men from New York City. Over the years that is a count of several thousands of men from New York City who were or are counted as being ´residents´ of Dannemora. But the political representation for our loved ones incarcerated in Dannemora did not reach to include the availability of one garbage bin being on the street for use by their families when visiting them in their ´residence´ in Dannemora. This is only one tiny example. Most respectfully, one does not need to be a social nor political scientist to see this is not fair representation. Sincerely, R. Nora Crotty B.A. N.Y. 11109 New York. July 11th, 2015